Полный текст:
RBI projections of indicators and actuals - Search Publications | ResearchGate
Ahluwalia M S: Economic reforms in India since 1991 - (
International experiences with different monetary policy regimes”, NBER Working Paper 7044 - International Experiences with Different Monetary Policy Regimes | NBER
Analytics of credit-output nexus in India”, Reserve Bank of India Occasional Papers - (
Issues in the choice of a monetary regime for India”, Mimeo, Australian National University - (
Financial sector reforms in India: policies and performance analysis”, Economic and Political Weekly, XXXX, March 19 - (
Experience with monetary targeting in India”, Economic and Political Weekly, XXXIV, 123-132. Modelling and forecasting inflation in India” - (
International Monetary Fund Working Paper No WP/99/119. Measuring monetary policy”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 113, 869-902 - (
Economic models at the Bank of England, Bank of England - Economic models at the Bank of England | Bank of England
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